[Plym. Co. Deeds, 14:267] "Know all men by these Presents that We John Washburne Thomas Washburne Joseph Washburne Jonathan Washburne James Washburne Edward Seely Samuel Kingsley William Orcutt Sarah Washburne all Inhabitants of the Town of Bridgewater in ye County of New Plymouth in New England, Have Given Granted & by these Presents do Give Grant Bargain Sell Enfeoffe Confirm & forever Make over Twenty five acres of Land be it more or less whereof We are the true Owners & rightfull Proprietors unto Samuel Washburne Inhabitant in sd Town of Bridgewater, Which sd Twenty five acres is Situate lying & being in sdTown of Bridgewater near to a Place known by ye Name of South Brook lying on the head of sd Jonathan & James Washburne's Lands where their Houses stands; it being a Parcell of Land left unwilled by our Father & ffather in law John Washburne Deceased, Bounded at foot by a heap of Stones
252 | Washburn Notes |
The deed was signed by John Washburne, Thomas Washburne, James Washburne (by a mark), Jonathan Washburne, Edward Seely, Samuel Kinsley, William Orcutt (by a mark), Sarah Washburne (by a mark), and Joseph Washburne (by a mark).
It was acknowledged, 10 September, 1694, by John Washburne, Thomas Washburne, Jonathan Washburne, James Washburne, Edward Seely, Samuel Kinsley, William Orcutt, and Sarah Washburne, before Thomas Hayward, Justice of the Peace.
It was acknowledged, 14 May, 1695, by Joseph Washburne, before Thomas Hayward, Justice of the Peace.
The witnesses were Jonathan Hayward, James Keith, Jr., and Samuel Allen, Sr.
The deed was not recorded until 26 April, 1720.
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