Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finally back online

I am finally back online after being offline for over 2 weeks because my computer had contracted a really nasty virus (FBI Cyber Crime / Department of Homeland Security virus). 

I believe, however, that in the cleaning and removing of that nasty virus, that I had inadvertently lost all my genealogical work -- AGAIN! 

I am unable to find my perfected family files which I had recovered once upon a time, but may still have some online backups -- perhaps a few months old -- which I can draw upon, but I believe over all that I have lost all my work once more...

I will be looking through all my online files as well as my flash drives and portable hard drives, in hopes of some recovery, but I believe with this latest problem, that now, more than ever, I need to get my work to print. 

I will have to proceed with a 5 copy micro-print by the new year, before I am fully ready to bring the work to print, and I will retain one copy for myself and my children, two copies for the National Archives, and the other two copies for two different Public Library Special Collections areas.

Any advice on bringing the books for print would be greatly appreciated.

~ Vince ~