Monday, September 30, 2013 Acquires Find A Grave Acquires Find A Grave

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finally back online

I am finally back online after being offline for over 2 weeks because my computer had contracted a really nasty virus (FBI Cyber Crime / Department of Homeland Security virus). 

I believe, however, that in the cleaning and removing of that nasty virus, that I had inadvertently lost all my genealogical work -- AGAIN! 

I am unable to find my perfected family files which I had recovered once upon a time, but may still have some online backups -- perhaps a few months old -- which I can draw upon, but I believe over all that I have lost all my work once more...

I will be looking through all my online files as well as my flash drives and portable hard drives, in hopes of some recovery, but I believe with this latest problem, that now, more than ever, I need to get my work to print. 

I will have to proceed with a 5 copy micro-print by the new year, before I am fully ready to bring the work to print, and I will retain one copy for myself and my children, two copies for the National Archives, and the other two copies for two different Public Library Special Collections areas.

Any advice on bringing the books for print would be greatly appreciated.

~ Vince ~ 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Rooting the Nook vs. Side Loading a Custom ROM

I had written an article back on March 7th, 2012, at 9:40 pm, about rooting the Nook verses side loading a completely different and customized ROM -- it appears in my dashboard but for some reason it did not post, and I am just now noticing, since I was looking around for the post.

So, here is an updated version of the post, with the original link content and sans the witty personal opinions and senseless diatribes.

I will be periodically posting new links and new information with an edit or repost of this thread,and will update the date below to reflect the different edit dates and times.

~ Vince ~ 

1:13 PM 7/17/2013 - Don't root your nook, install a MicroSD card with Android OS on it!,news-11905.html,2817,2392968,00.asp

I had followed all these processes before, and I had no problem creating a new file system and side loading a new OS from the MicroSD Card, but I honestly do not want to do that again!

I want to completely erase the Nook Color's stock OS, then install a completely new/"Nooted" OS, where I can utilize the full built in 8 GB internal memory for apps, books, etc.

~ Vince ~ 

9:50 AM 7/31/2013 -- nookDevs  

OK, I am in the process of rooting my Nook Color, so I am going to be adding some links here.

I had -- once upon a time -- written a blog about not rooting the nook color, just about dual booting it, but I have now decided I am pissed off enough with my Nook Color force closing because of the Adobe Mobile Reader Technology that I am going to force the Nook to take a REAL Android OS, such as the Cyanogen Mod for the Nook Color. Here is a Cyanogen Mod Wiki on the Nook Color, code name Encore...  

Here is another site that has some cool instructions on rooting the Nook Color with Cyanogen...there are tons of links and many instructions, which have been broken down for everyone's convenience...

I am also looking through all the instructions over on the XDA Developers Forums, I have installed the Eclipse Standard and Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, the Android SDK, Net Beans IDE, and I am wasting time watching a lot of YouTube videos on rooting ("Nooting") the Nook Color as well.  

I hope to get this Nook Color "Nooted" by the end of the day, so that I can begin installing all the necessary .APK files (Android Packages). 

I will update more later, once I have had a chance to get this arduous task completed...

~ Vince ~ 

10:32 PM 8/12/2013 -- An Update to the NOOK COLOR ROOTING PROCESS

I should have written a week ago...I had finally rooted ("Nooted") my Nook Color as of Monday August 5th, only took me a little over two weeks to study up and figure out how to do everything, and most of that time it was all just trial and error!

I had a lot of failures -- too many to count -- before figuring out what was going on with my Nook Color (hereafter referred to as "NC"), including having lost access to my keyboard for a very long week -- thankfully my books were still there and the touch screen still worked, even if it would not bring up the keyboard.

I would up fully factory resetting my NC, but it still did not bring up the keyboard.

That is what lead me to the inevitable "CARPE DIEM!!!" that I usually reserve for when I know I am going to be doing something really crazy and that I should know better than to do but just still throw caution to the wind any way.

I began the rooting process, but the instructions I followed were a conflagration of so many website articles and YouTube videos that I could not even begin to count or list them all -- but I did book mark them!

So, one of these days I will perform searches throughout all the browsers I had used to research with and I will move all the relevant links into a folder and then export that folder to an HTML file for sharing here later. That is not what this post is about,

Let me first say that by having a rooted NC, there are some really cool features I wanted to share...

FIRST, longer battery life! No joke, my battery lasts about a day and a half extra from what it used to use...that was a pretty cool perk, if you ask me....

SECOND, you have full access to the Android Market/Google Play and pretty much all the apps your device can handle! (OK, so I still cannot install ALDIKO or CALIBRE 2 OPDS onto my rooted NC, to replace that gosh-awful Adobe Reader app, but darn it I am working on it! LOL!)

THIRD, you have more freedom with your device -- something which I really do value.


Here are the tools which I used and which you would need, were you to try your hand at rooting a NC also:

1. A Micro SD Card (hereafter referred to as "MSDC") with a Card Reader (such as the one found HERE) or a Micro SD to USB adapter (Like Here, and Here, and Here) which is at least 8 Gigabytes in size -- you'll thank me later...

2. WinRAR -- this is the best file archiving and file compression software that I have ever used, and believe me, I have been around far too long and have done far too much to ever go back to WinZIP or WinACE for anything! When this program can download a 7 to 9 megabyte file, extract it and turn the whole thing into a file that is between 1 GB to 8 GBs, yeah, I am gonna stick with that program, although I would love to know the compression ratio and algorithm which the packager had used...

3. You will need the "1gb_clockwork-" image and you will need the Manual Nooter file (the one that I used for my Nook Color is named "") -- leave this as a zip file! The file will be copied to the Micro SD Card later...

4. You will need Win32 Disk Imager to write the above (and all subsequent) image files to the SD card -- DON'T PANIC! (thanks Douglas Adams) This program is free and open source!

5. You will need SD Formatter V4.0 or greater (this is to rip and rebuild partitions on the SD card) -- this is also free and open source software!

You will also need either the Clock Work Mod for the NC (hereafter referred to as "CWM") or the Encore Edition of the Cyanogen Mod  (hereafter referred to as "CM")



First, I had downloaded all the apps to one folder on my desktop -- much easier to find everything that way.

Second, I slid my MSDC into the full sized SD adapter, then slid it into the corresponding slot on my laptop.

Third, I formatted the MSDC using the Windows format tool, using the FAT32 file system.

Fourth, I had then used the SD Formatter v4.0 program to make sure that the MSDC was completely formatted & erased.

Fifth, I used WinRAR to extract the file to it's own folder. Initially, the file was just under 4 MBs; once the file was extracted, it expanded to 1 GB!

Sixth, I used the Win32 Disk Imager program to write the image file to the MSDC.

Seventh, I had added the Manual Nooter file ("") to the MSDC.

Eighth, I had added the CM file "" to the MSDC.

Ninth, I had closed all my open folders and safely ejected the full size SD card out of my computer, then removed the MSDC from the full sized SD.

Tenth, I made sure the power was off on my NC and inserted the MSDC, then powered on the NC once more. The result was that the image file on the MSDC took precedence over the NC's OS and allowed me to boot off the MSDC.

Once the image file took over, I was able to "install zip from card" and installed the Manual Nooter file (there is an Auto-Nooter file, but I tried that and it did not work for me). Once the Manual Nooter was installed, I automatically had root (super user) access to my NC.

HOWEVER, most of the articles I had read kept saying to install GApps (Google Apps, such as GMail, Drive, G+, etc), which is what kept causing problems, come to find out, because the Manual Nooter all ready had these files built in and was made to work with this version prior to the "upgrades".

SO,  I had to root,  then reboot once more onto the MSDC, install CM 10, then flash it backwards from the NC OS 1.4.3 to NC OS 1.2.0, then root once more, then I had full access to my keyboard and all the built in apps, such as the original Android Market (which I liked better, btw) before Google decided to auto-update the apps and change the Market to the Play store.

I have been testing my NC and it's functionality for a week now and I am loving having access to the Google Play store for all my app needs -- 98% of which are all free (such as all the Google apps, a few notepad apps, genealogy apps, multiple browsers, multiple video players so I can convert movies and shows and store home movies in any media file format I want and watch them on my NC, some free games for my children to play, etc.).

Heck, I even have a modified version of Open Office on my NC now! The only app which I will eventually have to pay for (because it's only around $5.00 and because I want it) is SQLite Editor, otherwise, I have virtually every single app I need at my fingertips now, and all because I rooted my NC.

Eventually I may just remove the original NC OS entirely, and install in it's place a different OS, possibly even something more directly Linux-based, such as (*shudder*) Ubuntu with the "Unity" Desktop Environment (DTE) or even better yet -- ARCH LINUX, as is found in this guide!

Anyway, I have purchased a stylus that will work with the NC and it's capacitive touch screen and I have also purchased a physical keyboard/case for my NC (something like those found here) from; now all I need to purchase is the adapter which goes between the keyboard and the NC, and I will have a full fledged Android Tablet/PC to take with me to read, to play, to perform genealogy on the go with out having to lug around my laptop, extra keyboard, external mice, etc!

I will use my Samsung Galaxy SIII, with it's 8MP camera, to take photos on the go, and I will be able to record all the details of what I am doing with out compromising space and encumbering myself!

Now if only I could get ALDIKO running I would be all set! ;-)

~ Vince ~    


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why We Can No Longer Trust Microsoft -- Who Said We Ever Did?!

While this is not directly Genealogy related, this article does pose a real and potential problem for everyone who uses the Windows or the Macintosh Operating Systems....

Think of all the data which you have accumulated over the years, all the proprietary work you have created, all the sensitive data of living and deceased persons.

Now think about your IRAs, your 401K's, your banking information...

Think about all the implications this has for you and for your future, as well as for the future of anyone who uses one or more of the Microsoft or Apple products.

All too often, as Genealogists, we always look to the past for answers (some say we have no foresight because of this -- no matter what we do to keep up with the times and technology), but sometimes we must think of the future and what it holds for the next generations.

Dick Eastman recently published an article about the "Superman Crystals"; for all intents and purposes a combination of silicon, quartz and digitization of information which is purportedly meant to last for thousands of years. Think of the data miners which would love to get a hold of that kind of technology....

Everything we do as Genealogists, we do for a reason. We research our past to educate us as to our family's origins, but ultimately the goal of each Genealogist should be to publish a great and final work, a Curriculum Vitae, such as it were.

Now, imagine all the hard work you have put together for 20 plus years, and all the crashes, loss of data, etc., which have set you back YEARS, just to have your data mined by the NSA -- or worse -- hackers who want to capitalize on your hard work!

My point is, that if the NSA can partner with Microsoft and Apple to mine data, then there are other back doors which will allow hackers access this data as well.

Think about that "Cloud Storage" you use...think your data is safe there?

I might rethink my storage solutions in light of this article...

In the immortal words of Richard Stallman --- "Cloud Computing Is Stupidity!"

~ Vince ~ 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

History of Bridgewater - Abbreviations

More copying/pasting of pages, so that I can keep track of where I was

~ Vince ~ 

History of Bridgewater - Abbreviations

USGenWeb Genealogical Site for the Town of
Link to Bridgewater Town Web SiteBridgewater
Link to USGenWeb
Return to USGenWeb Bridgewater

Nahum Mitchell
History of Bridgewater

Abbreviations taken from page 83, the first page of the Family Registers:
* — added to a name or date of a birth, signifies that the person died in youth or without issue
a. — before a date, stands for about
b. — born
d. — death or died
D. — daughter
Ds. — daughters
gra. — graduate or graduated
m. — married
s. — son
ss. — sons
w. — wife
B. U. — Brown University
E. B. — East Bridgewater
H. U. — Harvard University
N. B. — North Bridgewater
S. P. — South Parish of Bridgewater, now Bridgewater
Tit. — Titicut
W. B. — West Bridgewater

Note from page 8:
   The reader is informed that besides the abbreviations noticed at the head of the Register, the initials only of the neighboring and adjoining towns are often used; as A. for Abington, C. for Canton, E. for Easton, H. for Halifax, M. for Middleborough, P. for Pembroke, R. for Raynham, S. or St. for Stoughton, T. for Taunton, &c.

Other abbreviations:
æ. — age; aged
S. B. — South Bridgewater or Titicut

Return to History of Bridgewater Contents
Return to Residents index
Return to Non-Residents index

Email comments to Dale H. Cook
Please visit the Plymouth Colony Pages
USGenWeb Bridgewater, MA, commenced 06-Jul-1998.
Created by Cathy Joy Lasselle (CJ) McNew.
Revised and maintained since 26-Aug-2002 by Dale H. Cook.
Last revised 07/12/2013 00:35:55.
Copyright © 2003-2011 by Dale H. Cook. All rights reserved.

Copying a web page so I can remember where I found it!

OK, so to most people this may seem really silly, but I have so many links crossing between so many browsers that I wish to remember where the page was and what the content was that I was referencing.

So, I am going to reference the source page and copy/paste the contents for my own reference later...

There is so much great content here, and I will be able to go back later and high light the links which I have all ready gone to, and which I have all ready explored, so that I don't lose track of where I was and so that I can make sure I hit all the links and don't miss any resources...


Colleges & UnivTowns A-L
Mass Historical SocietyTowns M-Z
Salem & WitchesVital Records
Springfield/Hampden CoWars

The act of incorporation, with the additional acts and by-laws of the Massachusetts Historical Society...officers and resident members  1882   Cor
An Address to the Members of the Bar of the Counties of Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden at Their...    by George Bliss, 1827   Goo
An index of pioneers from Massachusetts to the West : especially the state of Michigan     by Charles A. Flagg, 1870-1920. 1915    HT
Annals of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association.    by Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association.  1853   Goob
Annual Report...    by Springfield Gas Light Company (Mass.), American Tract Society (Boston, Mass.), Overseers of the Poor, Worcester, Worcester.  Overseers of the poor, Animal Rescue League, Massachusetts Reformatory (Concord, Mass.), New England industrial school for the education and instruction of deaf-mutes, Beverly, Mass, Free Public Library (New Bedford, Mass.), State Reform School (Westborough, Mass.) - 1867   Smith, Sara L., Stonington, Ct. Snow, Mrs. Clarissa, Chicopee, Mass. Snow, Fred.  Elias, Brimfield, Mass. Spaulding, Mrs. J. Calvin, Fitchburg. Mass.     Goo
Antinomianism in the Colony of Massachusetts...    by John Winthrop,  1894  Goo
Argonauts of '49 :  history and adventures of the emigrant companies from Massachusetts, 1849-1850   by Octavius Thorndike Howe 1923   Har
The Bay Colony: A Civil, Religious and Social History of the Massachusetts ...    by William Dummer Northend 1896  Goo
The Bay State Monthly  (Massachusetts magazine)  1884-1885:   Cor     Gut
Bench and Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts     by William Thomas Davis  1895 Goo
Berkshire      by Berkshire Historical and Scientific Society (Pittsfield, Mass.)   1892     Goo
Berkshire County. Its past history and achievements. By Charles J. Palmer. 1900   OpL  
The Book of Berkshire: Describing and Illustrating Its Hills and Homes and ..       by Clark W. Bryan  1887   Goo
Gazetteer of Berkshire County, Mass., 1725-1885    by Hamilton Child  1885  Arc    Goo
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Berkshire County...    by Rollin Hillyer Cooke. 1906    Goo
A History of the County of Berkshire, Massachusetts, in Two Parts... by David Dudley Field, Chester Dewey, Berkshire Association 1829    Goo
Four Papers of the Berkshire Historical and Scientific Society      (Pittsfield, Mass.)    1886 Goo
Biographical History of Massachusetts: Biographies and Autobiographies of the Leading Men...     ed Samuel Atkins Eliot.  Goo  1909     1911    1916  
Biographical review : this volume contains biogaphical sketches of the leading citizens of Franklin County, Massachusetts   Biographical Review Publishing Co  Arc
A history of the churches and ministers, and of Franklin Association in ...   by Theophilus Packard   Franklin County  Mass.  1854   Goo
Biographical review ... containing life sketches of leading citizens of Worcester County, Massachusettes .. Biographical Review Publishing Company  1899  Arc
Biographical review; volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Hampshire County, Massachusetts    Biographical Review Pub Co 1896Arc
An Address to the Members of the Bar of the Counties of Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden at Their...    by George Bliss, 1827   Goo
History of Western Massachusetts: The counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire....     by Josiah Gilbert Holland, 1855   Goo
Mineralogical Lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties, Massachusetts.   by Benjamin Kendall Emerson,  1895    Goo
Biographical review... containing life sketches of leading citizens of Norfolk County, Massachusettes Biographical Review Publishing Company Arc 
Biographical Sketches of Eminent  Lawyers, Statesman, and Men of Letters   by Samuel Lorenzo,  1821   Goo
Biographies of the Founders , Ex-presidents, Prominent Early Members and of the Massachusetts Dental Society...     by Waldo Elias Boardman, Massachusetts Dental Society, Massachusetts Dental Society    1914   Arc      Goo
The Blue laws of New Haven colony, usually called Blue laws of Connecticut; Quaker laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. First record of Connecticut; interesting extracts from Connecticut records; cases of Salem witchcraft; charges and banishment of Rev. Roger Williams, &c.; and other interesting and instructive antiquities. Compiled by an antiquarian     by R. R. Hinman,   (Royal Ralph), 1785-1868, comp   Arc
A Brief History of the Mass. Sabbath School Society: And of the Rise and ...    by Massachusetts Sabbath School Society 1850   Goo
The Bristol County directory Bristol County (Mass.) - 1870   Goo

British Fusilier In Revolutionary Boston [Harvard UP]    by Frederick Mackenzie,  Cambg. 1926  CMU

Descriptive catalogue of farms in Massachusetts : abandoned or ...     by William Robert Sessions   1891   Goo  
A Chart and Description of the Boston and Worcester and Western Railroads...   by William Guild   1847   Goo
The colonial laws of Massachusetts : reprinted from the edition of 1672, with the supplements through 1686 : containing also, a bibliographical preface and introduction, treating of all the printed laws from 1649 to 1686 : together with the Body of Liberties of 1641, and the records of the Court of Assistants, 1641-1644    Arc
Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from the ...      by George Richards Minot  1803    Goo   vol 1  1798   vol 1 
Correspondence of William Shirley Governor 1741-57 ) of Mass and Military Commander...      Nat. Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America, Charles Henry Lincoln, Mass Governor   1912   Goo
The Diary of William Pynchon of Salem.   by William Pynchon, F. E. (Fitch Edward) Oliver.  Houghton, Mifflin & Co.  1890   Goo
Early Census Making in Massachusetts, 1643-1765: With a Reproduction of the Lost Census of 1765.  by Josiah Henry Benton,   Charles Goodspeed.  1905   Goo
Early Maps of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts    by Harry Andrew Wright  1911    Goo  
The Early Massachusetts Press, 1638-1711.   by George Emery Littlefield. 1907     Goo       Vol 2  the Club of Odd Volumes
The emancipation of Massachusetts    By Brooks Adams, [2d ed.]    MoA
Encyclopedia of Massachusetts, biographical--genealogical     by The American historical society   1916   Arc   Goo    OpL  
        vol 1      vol 2       vol 3      vol 4      vol 5       vol 6     vol 7     vol 8      vol 10      vol 12     Goo   vol 4
Encyclopedia of Massachusetts, biographical-- genealogical     by  Cutter, William Richard, 1847-1918  Arc    vol 1    vol 2    vol 3    vol 4    vol 6   vol 7
First-Thirty Second Report of the Commissioner of Public Records ...     by Record commission, Robert Thaxter Swan, Henry Ernest Woods, Frank S. Perkins, Carroll Davidson Wright, 1889    Goo
The founders of the Massachusetts Bay colony, a careful research of the earliest records of many of the foremost settlers of the New England colony; compiled from the earliest church and state records and valuable private papers retained by descendants...       by Sarah Sprague Saunders Smith  1897    Arc    Goo
From the Hub to the Hudson,: with sketches of nature, history and industry in northwestern Massachusetts,   Gladden, Washington, 1836-1918.   MoA  
Gazetteer of Massachusetts: Containing Descriptions of All the Counties ...    by John Hayward  Goo  1846    1847
Genealogy and history of representative citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts      by New England Historical Pub. Co., 1902     OpL
Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts.     by William Richard Cutter. 1908    Goo   vol 2   vol 3 vol 4
Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of the State of Mass.     ed William Richard Cutter, William Frederick Adams  1910  Goo   vol 1   vol 2
Genealogical notes: or Contributions to the family history of some of the first settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts...    by Nathaniel Goodwin   1856  Goo
A Guide to Massachusetts Local History: being a bibliographic index to the literature of the...     by Charles Allcott Flagg, 1907   Goo
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year ...   by United States Bureau of the Census,   1790   Goo
Historical collections, being a collection of interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c., relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts    by Barber, John Warner, 1798-1885.   Arc
Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities and Towns in Massachusetts    by  Massachusetts Public Records Division,   1920   Goo
The history and antiquities of Boston, and the villages of Skirbeck,Fishtoft, Freiston, Butterwick, Benington, Leverton, Leake, and Wrangle; comprising the hundred of Skirbeck, in the county of Lincoln. Including also a history of the East, West, and Wildmore fens, and copious notices of the Holland or Haut-Huntre...    by Pishey Thompson, 1784-1862   MoA
The history of the insurrections in Massachusetts.    by George Richards Minot    Published by James W. Burditt & co. Franklin's head....   1810    OpL
History of Massachusetts: For Two Hundred Years: from the Year 1620 to 1820.     by Alden Bradford. 1835   Goo
The History of Massachusetts, from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the ...   by George Lowell Austin   1884    Goo
History of Middlesex County , Massachusetts    J.W. Lewis & Co., 1890    OpL
Biographical review ... Containing life sketches of leading citizens of Middlesex County, Massachusetts .. Biographical Review Publishing   Arc
Historic Homes and Places and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Middlesex Co, Mass   ed William Richard Cutter  1908  Goo   vol 1    vol 4
History of the Bar of the County of Middlesex.   by David John Hughes   1912  OpL 
History of the Town of Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts: Geneologies     by Charles Hudson,  Lexington, Massachusetts Historical Society   1913  Goo
The history of New England from 1630 to 1649: from his original manuscripts, Winthrop, John, 1588-1649.   MoA
A history of the churches and ministers, and of Franklin Association in ...   by Theophilus Packard - Franklin County (Mass.) - 1854   Goo
History of the Judiciary of Massachusetts: Including the Plymouth and ...     by William Thomas Davis   1900  Goo
A history of the Massachusetts Medical Society   by Walter L. Burrage, Plimpton Press, 1923    OpL  
History of the Transition from Provincial to Commonwealth Government in Massachusetts. by Harry Alonzo Cushing, 1896   Goo
History of Western Massachusetts: The counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire....     by Josiah Gilbert Holland, 1855   Goo
Honor Roll of Massachusetts Patriots Heretofore Unknown: Being a List of Men and women who loaned money to the Federal Government during the years 1777-79.  1899   Goo
The Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : An Historical...       by Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe   1918   Goo
The Immigrant Population of Massachusetts [Labor Bull., Boston, Jan 1908; Mass. statistics] Har
The Loyal Petitions of 1666: Remarks Read Before the Massachusetts ...    by William Sumner Appleton   1891   Goo
In Olde Massachusetts: Sketches of Old Times and Places During the Early ...    by Charles Burr Todd 1907    Goo
John Checkley; Or, The Evolution of Religious Tolerance in Massachusetts Bay....    ed Edmund F. (Edmund Farwell) Slafter  1897   Goo
Johnson's Wonder-working providence, 1628-1651     by Johnson, Edward C. Scribner's sons, 1910   OpL
Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts,   Massachusetts Historical Society  1764   vol 41
The Landing at Cape Anne, Or, The Charter of the First Permanent Colony...territory of the Massachusetts Company...‎ by John Wingate Thornton   1854     Goo
Licensed Workers in Industrial Home Work in Massachusetts: Analysis of current records ...   Bureau of Research, Susan Myra Kingsbury, 1915   Har
The Life and Work of Thomas Dudley, the Second Governor of Massachusetts    by Augustine Jones 1900   Goo
List of Persons Whose Names Have Been Changed in Massachusetts. 1780-1883.     by Henry Bailey Peirce, Massachusetts General Court, Office of the Secretary of State, 1885    Goo 
Lives of the Governors of New Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay by Jacob Bailey Moore 1848  Goo
The Maritime History of Massachusetts, 1783-1860     by Samuel Eliot Morison  1921   Goo
The Massachusetts Civil List for the Colonial and Provincial Periods, 1630-1774: Being a List of...  by William Henry Whitmore. 1870    Goo
Massachusetts of Today: A Memorial of the State, Historical and Biographical, Issued for the...    by Daniel P. Toomey. 1892   Goo
The Massachusetts Register and United States Calendar for the Year of Our ...and business register of the state 1852   Goo
The Massachusetts Register and Business Directory ...: Containing a Record ... by Nahum Capen   1856  Goo
Massachusetts Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial ...    by Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court   1867   Goo 
The Massachusetts Teacher    by Massachusetts Teachers Federation, Massachusetts Teachers' Association 1853   Goo
Massachusetts Year Book and City and Town Register 1908   Goo
The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete.   byAzel Ames, 1845-1908.   Gut
The Medical register for the state of Massachusetts.  1875   Goo
Memorials of the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts    by Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, Francis Samuel Drake 1873   Goo
Mineralogical Lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties, Massachusetts.   by Benjamin Kendall Emerson,  1895    Goo
Myles Standish with an account of the exercises of consecration of the monument ground on Captain's hill, Duxbury, Aug. 17, 1871.   by Stephen Merrill Allen   MoA
Naturalization in the American colonies, with more particular reference to Massachussetts.,    by Joseph Willard, 1798-1865.    MoA
Native Writings in Massachusetts.    by Ives Goddard, Kathleen Joan Bragdon.  1988    (includes land records - allotment of parcels with the disposition at original proprietors' lands at their death)    Goo
Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast     by Samuel Adams Drake - Cape Cod (Mass.) – 1875   Goo
Notes on the History of  Slavery in Massachusetts    by George Henry Moore 1866    Goo
One Branch of the Family: showing the lines of connection with one hundred Massachusetts...   by Charles Edwin Booth, 1910 Goo
One of a Thousand: A Series of Biographical Sketches of One Thousand Representative Men Resident in Commonwealth of Massachusetts A. D. 1888-89...   ed by John Clark Rand, 1890    Goo
Organization of the Boot & Shoe industry in Massachusetts before 1875 from 1760    by Blanche Evans Hazard, Cambg; Harvard U Pr   1921  Har
The Pilgrim shore     by Edmund Henry Garrett, 1853-1929   Arc
The Powers, Duties, and Liabilities of Town and Parish Officers in Mass...     by William Augustus Herrick, Massachusetts  1870    Goo
The probate records of Essex County, Massachusetts   Arc   vol 1   vol 2   vol 3
Biographical review, containing life sketches of leading citizens of Essex County, Massachusetts  1898   Arc
Contributions to the ecclesiastical history of EssexCounty Mass . - Essex North Association  Arc 
The Essex Antiquarian  a monthly/quarterly magazine devoted the biography, genealogy... of Essex Co.
         vol  1      vol   2      vol 3    vol  4     vol  5    vol  6     vol  7     vol  8    vol  9      vol  10     vol  11     vol 12    vol 13
The Essex County Directory ... - Briggs & Co, Boston Briggs & Co., Pub, Pub Briggs Directory and Publishing Co.  Arc 
Home sketches of  Essex county . First number - Cook, Joseph, 1838-1901   Arc
The Indian land titles of Essex County , Massachusetts    by Sidney Perley,  1858-1928   Arc 
Memorials of the Essex Bar Association and brief biographical notices of some of the distinguished members of the Essex bar prior to the formation of the association   Arc
Municipal history of Essex County in Massachusetts Arrington, Benjamin F., 1856- ed   vol 1   vol 2    vol 3    vol 4
The poets of Essex county, Massachusetts     by Sidney Perley, 1858-1928   Arc
Records and files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts  Arc  vol 1   vol 2    vol 3   vol 4    vol 5    vol 6    vol 7    vol 8
Soldiers in the French War from Essex County , 1755-1761 ; Militia officers, Essex Co., Mass., 1761-1771 ; Danvers tax list, 1775, district covered   by Amos Trask,  1868-1933. cn  Arc 
Transactions for the years ... of the Essex Agricultural Society for the County of Essex , Mass    Arc 
 1818-29     1886-90    1891-95    1896-1900   1901-05    1906    1907      1912-14
The history of the Essex Agriculture Society of Essex County , Massachusetts, 1818-1918     by Thomas Franklin Waters, 1851-1919    Arc
Proceedings of the Grand ommandery of Knights Templars and the Appendant ...    by Knights Templar (Masonic order). Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island,  1874 Goo
Proceedings of The Massachusetts Historical Society    by Massachusetts Historical Society Boston, 1862   Goo    
1855-581864-651881-82  1887-89
1858-60index vol 1-20 1791-18881884-85  1886-87

Publications of the Colonial society of Massachusetts - Colonial society of Massachusetts, Boston . Publications. (Indexes)   Arc
Public Documents of Massachusetts    by Massachusetts – 1910  Tax Commissioner for year ending Nov 30, 1909   Goo
Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts.   by Colonial Society of Massachusetts.   Goo 

          1895   includes   Oxford Vital Records   p. 140. intentions of marriage were entered 21 September, ... 10 Boston City Records of Births; 
           vol 9         vol 10 1905-6        1932
The Puritan age and rule in the colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1629-1685   by George Edward  Ellis.    Cor    MoA
The Puritan republic of the Massachusetts Bay in New England      by Daniel Wait Howe,    Cor
The Quaker invasion of Massachusetts   by Hallowell, Richard Price    Houghton, 1883   Cor      OpL 
Records of the Court of assistants of the colony of the Massachusetts bay, 1630-1692 ... by Massachusetts (Colony) Court of Assistants. Pub. by the county of Suffolk, 1901 OpL
Records of the 1st class of the 1st state normal school in America: established at Lexington , Mass., 1839.  Boston, 1903  Har
Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England: Printed by order of...   by Nathaniel Bradstreet Shurtleff,   1853  Goo
Records of the Company of the Massachusetts Bay, to the ...     Goo
Reminiscences of Sixty Years in Public Affairs,     by   George S. Boutwell  Publisher: McClure, Phillips       Goo
Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment.  by John Gregory Bishop Adams, 1899   Goo
Report of the Commissioner of Public Records of the custody & condition ... records of the parishes, towns & counties.;   11th report.  by Carroll Davidson Wright.  Boston, Wright & Potter, 1899   Goo
Representative men and old families of southeastern Massachusetts: ...   J.H. Beers & Co  1912    Arc   Goo   vol 3
Representative men and old families of southeastern Massachusetts : containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families    J.H. Beers & Co    Arc    vol 1    vol 2    vol 3
Rev. John Myles and the Founding of the First Baptist Church in Massachusetts…at the dedication of a monument in Barrington, Rhode Island (formerly Swansea)  by Henry Melville King (pastor of the first baptist church in providence) 1905    Goo
Soldiers and sailors whose graves have been designated by the marker ... By Sons of the American Revolution. Massachusetts Society, Henry Ashley May  1901 Goo
Speech on the results of emancipation in the British W. I. colonies, delivered at the celebration of the Mass. Anti-Slavery Society, held at Abington, July 31, 1858 : phonographic report    by J.M.W. Yerrinton:  Bleby, Henry, 1809-1882.     MoA
Suffolk Surnames     by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 1861  Goo
Suffolk deeds.  by Suffolk County (Mass.)   1880   HT
Supplement 1900 to 1908 to the Index to Genealogies Published in 1900: and to genealogical...    by Daniel Steele Durrie, 1900     Goo
Taxation of women in Massachusetts.    by William Ingersoll Bowditch,   Cambridge,: Press of J. Wilson and son, 1875.   MoA
Three Commonwealths, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island: Their ...    by William Babcock Weeden  1903   Goo
Tourists' Guide to Down the Harbor, Hull and Nantasket, Hingham, Cohasset ...    Massachusetts 1897   Goo 
Town Officer , Or, Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Duties of Municipal Officers: Together ... by Isaac Goodwin , Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Dorr , Howland and Co., 1834   OpL
Transactions.  by Colonial Society of Massachusetts. 1895    Goo A Trip Around Cape Cod: Nantucket, Marthas Vineyard, South Shore...    by Ezra G. Perry 1898  Goo
Twenty-five years of Massachusetts politics: from Russell to McCall, 1890-1915   By Michael Edmund Hennessy   Goo
Twenty-five Years of Organized Boys Work in Massachusetts and Rhode Island ...   by Henry William Gibson - Young Men's Christian Associations of Massachusetts and Rhode Island  Goo  
Who's who in State Politics       1908      1912  
Towns A-L     
Mass Historical Society
Salem & WitchesWars
Springfield/Hampden Co