Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Networked Blogs

So I just set up my Networked Blogs links and will be working on the website revisions tonight.

As I had wanted to do, I had posted the Zangari Genealogy website on November 3rd, but abruptly took it down after having it online for 5 minutes. It did not work as well online as it did locally, nor did it display correctly, so I took it down immediately. Currently, there is only a few place holder pages available, but I hope to rectify that soon.

I have begun the painful process of revamping the site once more, but after creating half of the site all over from scratch I am once more unimpressed with the results. Here is a screen shot of the current site which I am not happy with...

The page and the site are looking good, but looks don't count for everything. I am fighting with the presentation of the page width and having the page auto adjust using this style and page layout. And while I like how this page is progressing, the same cannot be said (unfortunately) for all the other connected pages and sub-pages. If you look at the title of the above page's screen shot you will see it reads "Family Information". While this is great, it does not suffice for my needs or desires.

I will  be renovating the site for a few weeks once more, and hopefully by then I can reupload the site and be completely happy with the results. In the mean time, I hope everyone who stops by to have a read will also take the time to press that little button to the right that allows you to follow this blog or join this site.

Thank you everyone and good night....
~ Vince ~ 

I've been thinking of my deceased step daughter Ariel today

I've been thinking of my deceased step daughter Ariel today...

Does anyone else remember the movie The Abyss? In that movie, the divers were using liquid oxygen to breathe under water.

I just had a strange flashback to that movie while watching House, season 8, episode 2:  "Transplant", where a woman was in need of a double lung transplant, and House had to cure a set of lungs of excessive smoke inhalation which were organ donated by a boy in his late teens or early twenties upon his death.

I often wonder how far medical science has progressed and if we have that ability yet, the ability to create liquid oxygen which can be used for breathing, which could also possibly be used for treating lung problems, by mixing medicines into the liquid oxygen.

I wonder how feasible it would be to counteract -- not necessarily cure -- lung diseases like Cystic Fibrosis by using liquid oxygen to clean the lungs once per month of all the mucus so that the airways in the body do not get clogged.

I have also been wondering if it would just be possible to remove the mucus glands and stop the body from producing mucus, and if that would further cause harm or if it would help resolve the issue, or if the disease would just manifest itself in another form afterwards, to compensate for the loss of a way to escape the body. Maybe it would change to feces backing up in the body, which would create sepsis or worse...I don't know, I am not a doctor, but I am someone whose mind thinks outside the box all too frequently....

Anyway, I have done a lot of reading on CF over the last 6 or 7, although I had stopped reading after her death this past June, I think I still want to read more though...any awareness that I can create for others as well as for myself would still be beneficial...

I think I am going to see about doing the walk for a cure that my ex wife used to do every year....I think finding sponsors to help with the walk and to help raise funds would be the best way to go...maybe find some corporate sponsorship for the walk to help raise money and awareness some how....

We all feel a tad bit Lilliputian on the grander scale when we think of death and all the medical issues which we do not have cures for, such as Aids, Cancer, Epilepsy, Cystic Fibrosis, Diabetes, etc., especially when we see people dying around us and on TV all the time...

I think I need to end this here...I will revisit this another time....

~ Vince ~ 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Some interesting quotes that triggered great thought by good people

I love reading people's quotes, and I love exploring the etymology behind each one, when ever possible...

The following quotes were just found today, and I think they are inspiring to the mind; food for thought, such as it were...
~ Vince ~ 

"The saddest thing for a girl to do is dumb herself down for a guy." -- Emma Watson

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you." -- Albus Dumbledore

"Too many people are living in a prison that they have themselves manufactured."
-- Michael Beckwith

"Young girls are told you have to be the delicate princess. Hermione taught them that you could be the warrior." -- Emma Watson

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." -- Edgar Allan Poe

"Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them." -- J. K. Rowling

"If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which He has inflicted upon men, He would kill Himself." -- Alexandre Dumas

"A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer." -- Robert Frost

"I can’t tell you the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone." -- Ed Sheeran

“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” -- Malcolm X

“Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting so… get on your way.” -- Dr. Seuss

“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I’ve brought a big bat. I’m all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me.” -- Dr. Seuss

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.” -- Dr. Seuss

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” -- Dr. Seuss

"That's the thing about pain... it demands to be felt." -- John Green

"All empty souls tend toward extreme options." -- William Butler Yeats

"Hearts are not to be had as a gift; hearts are to be earned." -- William Butler Yeats

"How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being." -- Oscar Wilde

"Women are made to be loved, not understood." -- Oscar Wilde

"Who, being loved, is poor?" -- Oscar Wilde

"I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person." -- Oscar Wilde

"Poets are always taking the weather so personally." -- J. D. Salinger

"Would you be in any way offended if I said that you seem to me to be in every way the visible personification of absolute perfection?" -- Oscar Wilde

"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out? Ah, but what if it does." -- Peter McWilliams

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Family Tree Maker CDs / Family Archive CDs & Miscellaneous Genealogy Software

Last Updated: 6:13 PM 7/4/2013

Last Updated: 8:17 PM 6/21/2013

I found an all most complete list of Family Tree Maker CDs / Family Archive CDs on THIS SITE, and I loved how comprehensive this list was. I also liked the spreadsheet formatting on this. I am going to have to go through and highlight which ones I have all ready and then add those which are not listed here, to make a more updated version of what I created back in July of this year. 

I will eventually own the complete set, and by then I hope to have my other project (creating another viewer for these file types) completed. 

I have some really good people and really good friends who have been working with me, and I want them to know their help and guidance is always much appreciated.

For the last 6 months I have been working on a research project; a report that details what steps I have gone through and which software I have used.

I am in hopes that when the project completes, I have a totally accessible database software, based on SQL, which will access the data on these CDs. I hope to release some really good news by the end of July 2013.

Much more research is needed previous to me saying anything further, but suffice to say that as a Genealogist I am excited at the prospects and thoughts of what is possible...

In any event, all the items which I have highlighted in yellow below are software titles and supportive data which I currently have on hand and/or installed...

~ Vince ~ 


1Marriage Index: Louisiana, 1718-1925
2Marriage Index: IL, IN, KY, OH, TN, 1720-1926
3Marriage Index: AL, GA, SC, 1641-1944
4Marriage Index: MD, NC, VA, 1624-1915
5Marriage Index: AR, MO, MS, TX, 1766-1981
6Marriage Index: Arkansas, 1779-1992
11New Netherland Vital Records, 1600s
12Family Pedigrees: Everton΄s Computerized Family File, Vol. 1, 1400s-Present (3 discs)
13Family Pedigrees: Everton΄s Computerized Family File, Vol. 2 and 3, 1400s-Present (4 discs)
14Family Pedigrees: Everton΄s Computerized Family File, Vol. 4, 1400s-Present (3 discs)
15Family Pedigrees: Everton Publishers, 1500-1900
17Birth Records: United States/Europe, 900-1880
18Family Queries: Everton΄s Computerized "Roots"  Cellar, 1640-1990
19Genealogical Records: Egle΄s Notes and Queries of Pennsylvania, 1700s-1800s
20Census Index: Ohio, 1880
22International Records: English Settlers in Barbados, 1637-1800
23Genealogical Records: Pilgrim Genealogies and History, 1600s-1900s
100Family Pedigrees: United Ancestries, 1500-1990 (2 discs)

108Family Pedigrees: Gentech95 and ARI, 1500-1989
110Social Security Death Index: U.S., 1937-1998 (2 discs)
113Family History: 217 Genealogy Books
115The Genealogist΄s All-in-One Address Book
116Census Index: Ontario, Canada, 1871
117Family History: New England Families #1, 1600s-1800s
118Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s
119Military Records: Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
120Military Records: Connecticut Officers and Soldiers, 1700s-1800s
121Military Records: Virginia in the Revolution and War of 1812
129Church Records: Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Cos., Pennsylvania, 1729-1881
130Pennsylvania German Church Records, 1729-1870
131Veterans΄ Schedules: U.S. Selected States, 1890
132Military Records: Selected New York Revolutionary War Records, 1775-1840
133Military Records: Revolutionary Patriots, Maryland and Delaware, 1775-1783
134Military Records: Massachusetts Civil War Soldiers and Sailors, 1861-1865
143Military Records: New York in the Revolution and War of 1812
144Genealogical Records: Loyalists in the American Revolution
145Military Records: Revolutionary War Pension Lists
146Military Records: U.S. Soldiers, 1784-1811
147Military Records: Massachusetts Revolutionary War Soldiers and Sailors, 1775-1782 (2 discs)
155Military Records: Civil War Confederate Pension Applications Index
156Family History: Mid-Atlantic Genealogies, 1340-1940
157Family History: Early New York Families, 1600s-1900s (2 discs)
159Family History: New England Families #2, 1600s-1800s
160State Index: Upstate New York, 1685-1910
161Family History Collection: GIS, Electronic Messages, Vol. 1
162Family History: Virginia Genealogies #1, pre-1600-1900s
163Family History: Pennsylvania Genealogies #1, pre-1600-1900s
164Mortality Records Index: United States, 1850-1880
165African Americans in the 1870 Census
166Church Records: Selected Areas of Pennsylvania, 1600s-1800s
167Vital Records: Mayflower Vital Records, Deeds and Wills, 1600s-1900s
168Cemetery Records: Salt Lake City, 1848-1992
169Genealogical Records: Genealogical Dictionary of New England, 1600s-1700s
170Immigrants to the New World, 1600s-1800s
171Genealogies of Mayflower Families, 1500s-1800s
172Pennsylvania Vital Records, 1700s-1800s
173Family History: Genealogies of Long Island Families, 1600s-1800s
174Virginia Vital Records #1, 1600s-1800s
175Ohio Vital Records #1, 1790s-1870s
177Ohio Vital Records #2, 1750s-1880s
178Church Records: Maryland and Delaware, 1600s-1800s
179Family History: Connecticut Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s
180Family History: Rhode Island Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s
181Family History: English Origins of New England Families, 1500s-1800s
182Family History: New Jersey Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s
183Early Settlers of New York State, 1760-1942
184Family History: Colonial Families of Maryland, 1600s-1800s
185Family History: Kentucky Genealogies #1, 1700s-1800s
186Family History: Virginia Genealogies #2, 1600s-1800s
187Family History: Virginia Genealogies #3, 1600s-1800s
188International Records: Index to Griffith΄s Valuation of Ireland, 1848-1864
189Family History: Colonial Genealogies #1, 1607-1920
190The New Jersey Biographical Index, 1800s
191Family History: Southern Genealogies #1, 1600s-1800s
192Genealogical Records: The Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, 1740-1930
193County and Family Histories: Pennsylvania, 1740-1900 (2 discs)
194Family History: Massachusetts and Maine Genealogies, 1650s-1930s
195Family History: Maryland Marriages and Genealogies, 1634-1820
196Birth Index: Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1680-1800
197Census Index: Ireland, 1831-1841
199German Genealogy Research Guide
200Compendium of American Genealogy, 1600s-1800s (3 discs)

201Library Resources: U.S./Canada Surname Folder Index
202Genealogical Records: Virginia Historical Index
203Genealogical Records: Complete Mayflower Descendant and Other Sources, 1600s-1800s (2 discs)
204Genealogical Records: The Ontario Register, 1780s-1870s
205Family History: Virginia Genealogies #4, 1600s-1800s (2 discs)
206Genealogical Records: Maryland Probate Records, 1674-1774
207Local and Family Histories: Massachusetts, 1620-1930
208Genealogical Records: Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vols. 1-38
209Genealogical Records: Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834
210Genealogical Records: National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vols. 1-85, 1600-1900 (2 discs)
213Genealogical Records: Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Vols. 1-39 (2 discs)
214Vital Records: New York Deaths, 1700s-1900s
215Vital Records: Rhode Island, 1500s-1800s
216Vital Records: Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920
220Massachusetts Vital Records, 1600s-1800s
222Marriage Index: Iowa, 1851-1900
224Marriage Index: Maryland, 1655-1850
225Marriage Index: Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, 1850-1920
226Marriage Index: Georgia, 1754-1850
227Marriage Index: Selected Counties of AR, CA, IA, LA, MN, MO, OR, TX, 1728-1850
228Marriage Index: Illinois and Indiana, 1790-1850
229Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV, 1728-1850
231Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850
233Marriage Index: Kentucky, 1851-1900
234Marriage Index: Missouri, 1851-1900
235Marriage Index: Tennessee, 1851-1900
236Marriage Index: Ohio, 1851-1900
237Marriage Index: Georgia, 1851-1900
238Genealogical Records: New York, 1675-1920
239Marriage Index: New York City, 1600s-1800s
240Marriage Index: New Jersey, 1680-1900
241Marriage Index: West Virginia, 1863-1900
242Marriage Index: Mississippi and Florida, 1800-1900
243Marriage Index: Indiana, 1851-1900
244Marriage Index: Arkansas, 1850-1900
245Marriage Index: North Carolina, 1851-1900
248Marriage Index: Alabama, 1800-1900
250Marriage Index: Illinois, 1851-1900
251Marriage Index: Michigan and Wisconsin, 1830-1900
255Land Records: AL, AR, FL, LA, MI, MN, OH, WI, 1790-1900
256Passenger and Immigration Lists: Boston, 1821-1850
257Passenger and Immigration Lists: Irish Immigrants to North America, 1803-1871
258Naturalization Records: Philadelphia, 1789-1880
259Passenger and Immigration Lists: Baltimore, 1820-1850
260Passenger and Immigration Lists: Baltimore, Vol. 2, 1851-1872
262International Land Records: Tithe Applotment Books Of Ireland, 1823-1838
263Ontario, 1869-1886, Marriage Index, Vol. 2
264Immigration Records: Irish to America, Passenger and Immigration Lists, Vol. 2, 1846-1886
266Ontario, 1858-1869, Marriage Index, Vol. 1
267German and Swiss Settlers in America, 1700s-1800s
268Immigration Records: Scottish Immigrants to North America, 1600s-1900s
269Dutch in America, 1800s Immigration Records
270Topographical Dictionaries: Lewis΄s Gazetteers of England, Ireland, and Scotland
271International Land Records: Irish Flax Growers List, 1796
272Census Records: United Kingdom, 1851
273Passenger and Immigration Lists: New York, 1820-1850
274Genealogical Records: Ontario and Nova Scotia Settlers, 1790-1860
275Genealogical Records: Irish Source Records, 1500s-1800s
276Scotch-Irish Settlers in America, 1500s-1800s, Immigration Records
277British Chancery Vol. I
278British Chancery Vol. II
284Census Index: Massachusetts, 1870
285Census Index: Western PA, 1870
286Census Index: Eastern PA, 1870
287Census Index: New York City, 1870
288Census Index: Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis
289Census Index: North Carolina and South Carolina, 1870
290Census Index: Virginia and West Virginia, 1870
291Census Index: Georgia, 1870

301Census Microfilm Records: Illinois, 1850 (4 discs)
302Census Microfilm Records: Indiana, 1850 (5 discs)
303Census Microfilm Records: Kentucky, 1850 (3 discs)
304Census Records: Indiana, 1860 [Index]
305Census Microfilm Records: Pennsylvania, 1850 (11 discs)
306Census Microfilm Records: North Carolina, 1850 (4 discs)
307Census Microfilm Records: Massachusetts, 1850 (6 discs)
308Census Microfilm Records: Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1850 (4 discs)
309Census Microfilm Records: Virginia, 1850 (6 discs)
310Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789
311Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1790
312Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1800
313Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1810
314Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1820
315Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1830
316Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1840
317Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1850
318Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1860
319Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1870
320Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1880
322Census Index: New England, 1900
323Census Index: DE, DC, MD, PA, OH, VA, and WV, 1900
335Census Index: Idaho, 1910
350Complete Book of Emigrants, 1607-1776
351Roll of Honor: Civil War Union Soldiers
352Immigrants to America, 1600s-1800s
353Passenger and Immigration Lists: Italians to America, 1880-1893
354Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1538-1940
355Passenger and Immigration Lists: Germans to America, 1850-1874
356Passenger and Immigration Lists: Germans to America, 1875-1888
357Passenger and Immigration Lists: Irish to America, 1846-1865
358Passenger and Immigration Lists: New Orleans, 1820-1850
359Passenger and Immigration Lists: Philadelphia, 1800-1850
360Passenger and Immigration Lists: Russians to America, 1850-1896
362Irish and British Immigrants to America 1860s-1870s
364American Source Records in England
365Irish and British Immigrants to America 1870-1872, Volume 2
366Irish and British Immigrants to America, 1873-1879, Volume 3
367Family History: Notable British Families, 1600s-1900s
368Genealogical Records: British American Coats of Arms
397Marriage Index: Connecticut, 1635-1860
398Marriage Index: Texas, 1851-1900
399Marriage Index: DC, DE, MD, VA, 1740-1920
400Marriage Index: Ohio, 1789-1850

401Marriage Index: Selected Areas of New York, 1639-1916
402Marriage Index: New York #2, 1740s-1880s
403Marriage Records: US/International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
404Marriage Index: Maine, 1743-1891
405Marriage Index: AR, CO, NE, NM, OR, and WA, 1727-1900
407Tennessee Marriages, 1787-1866, Marriage Records
449Local and Family Histories: New England, 1600s-1900s
450County and Family Histories: Ohio, 1780-1970 (6 discs)
451Tennessee 1850 Census Microfilm Records
452Census Microfilm Records: CA, NM, OR, TX, and UT, 1850 (4 discs)
453Census Microfilm Records: AL, AR, LA, and MS, 1850 (6 discs)
454Census Microfilm Records: ME, NH, and VT, 1850 (5 discs)
500Family History: Southern Biographies and Genealogies, 1500s-1940s

501Immigrant Records: Immigrants to Pennsylvania, 1600s-1800s
502Genealogical Records: Massachusetts Probate, Town, And Vital Records, 1600s-1900s
503Genealogical Records: Virginia Colonial Records, 1600s-1800s
504Genealogical Records: Early New England Settlers
506Family History: Lineages of Hereditary Society Members, 1600s-1900s
507Vital Records: Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929
508Genealogical Records: Midwest Pioneers, 1600s-1800s
509Genealogical Records: North Carolina Wills, 1665-1900
510Genealogical Records: Colonial Virginia Source Records, 1600s-1700s
511Genealogical Records: Early Tennessee Settlers, 1700s-1900s
512Genealogical Records: Pennsylvania Colonial Records, 1600s-1800s
513Genealogical Recordss: Virginia Land, Marriage,and Probate Records, 1700s-1900s
514Genealogical Records: Early Texas Settlers, 1700s-1800s
515Genealogical Records: Connecticut, 1600s-1800s (2 discs)
516Genealogical Records: Early Georgia Settlers, 1700s-1800s
517Genealogical Records: Early South Carolina Settlers, 1600s-1800s
518Genealogical Records: Colonial New Jersey Source Records, 1600s-1800s
519Genealogical Records: Early Kentucky Settlers, 1700s-1800s
520Genealogical Records: Early West Virginia Settlers, 1600s-1900s
521Genealogical Records: Maryland Settlers and Soldiers, 1700s-1800s
523Maine and New Hampshire Settlers, 1600s to 1900s
524Genealogical Records: Early North Carolina Settlers, 1700s-1900s
525Genealogical Records: Early Louisiana Settlers, 1600s-1800s
526Genealogical Records: Massachusetts, 1600s-1800s
527Genealogical Records: Early AL, AR, and MS Settlers, 1700s-1800s
528Early Ohio Settlers, 17002-1900s
530Pennsylvania Biographies and Genealogies, 1600s-1800s
549Ohio Soldiers in World War I Military Records (2 discs)
550Virginia Genealogies and Biographies, 1500s-1900s (2 discs)
600Immigrant Histories: Huguenot Settlers in North America and Europe, 1600s-1900s

650Land Records: Kentucky, 1774-1924
651Land and Tax Records: Ohio, 1787-1840
652Land Records: Bucks and Lancaster Cos., Pennsylvania, 1682-1825

To the above list, I add the following additional and missing CDs:

Family Tree Maker 3 

Family Tree Maker 5 

Family Tree Maker 7 

Family Tree Maker 9 

  • Version 9 Installation Program Click Art Images   
Family Tree Maker 10 

  • Version 10 Installation Program Click Art Images  
Family Tree Maker 11 

  • Version 11 Family Finder Index Volume 1: A-C 
  • Version 11 Family Finder Index Volume 2: D-I 
  • Version 11 Family Finder Index Volume 3: J-P 
  • Version 11 Family Finder Index Volume 4: Q-Z   

Family Tree Maker 16 

Family Tree Maker 2005 Starter 

Family Tree Maker 2007 

Family Tree Maker 2009's Ancestry Reference Library, '98 Edition 

Family Tree Maker's Family Archives CDs: 

Starter Bundle I: Social Security Death Index (2-CD set); World Family Tree Volumes 1 & 2.
Family Archices CDSBI $39.99 

Starter Bundle II: ProCD homephone (2-CD set): 85 million U.S. residential listings; The Genealogist's All-in-One Address Book (CD #115); and 217 Genealogy Books (CD #113). 
Family Archives CDSBII $59.99

Super Bundle III: World Family Tree Volumes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Sold separately for $99.95. Family Archives CDSBIII $59.99


World Family Tree Volume 01: Volume 1, pre-1600 to present
World Family Tree Volume 02: Volume 2, pre-1600 to present
World Family Tree Volume 03: Volume 3, pre-1600 to present
World Family Tree Volume 04: Volume 4, pre-1600 to present
World Family Tree Volume 05: Volume 5, pre-1600 to present
World Family Tree Volume 06
World Family Tree Volume 07: Volume 7, pre-1600 to present 
World Family Tree Volume 08
World Family Tree Volume 09
World Family Tree Volume 10
World Family Tree Volume 11
World Family Tree Volume 12
World Family Tree Volume 13
World Family Tree Volume 14
World Family Tree Volume 15
World Family Tree Volume 16: pre-1600 to present  
World Family Tree Volume 17
World Family Tree Volume 18
World Family Tree Volume 19
World Family Tree Volume 20
World Family Tree Volume 21
World Family Tree Volume 22
World Family Tree Volume 23
World Family Tree Volume 24
World Family Tree Volume 25
World Family Tree Volume 26
World Family Tree Volume 27
World Family Tree Volume 28
World Family Tree Volume 29
World Family Tree Volume 30
World Family Tree Volume 30A
World Family Tree Volume 30B


World Family Tree European Origins, Volume E1 - European Origins (CD # 802_01)

Miscellanious CDs which have come with FTM over the years: 

The Print Shop Photo Workshop version 12

Family Album Creator 2 Month Subscription Access CD (never used)


Ages Family Tree Maker 

Agelong Tree 3

Ancestral Quest

ATG Trees 

Broderbund Lineage Family Tree 


Family Historian 

Family Insight


Family Tree Legends 

Fin Family

Gaia Family Tree 


GED H Tree 

GenBox Family History 

Genealogy J 

Generations Family Tree Maker 4

Geno Pro 


Genealogy Research System (GRS)


Kith N Kin Pro 

Legends Family Tree Maker

Map My Ancestors

My Family Tree

My Heritage Family Tree Builder

Oh Mi Gene Lite 

Origins Family Tree Maker 


Philosoft Long Family History


Roots Magic 

The Complete Genealogy Builder 

The Complete Genealogy Reporter 

The Dynamic Family Tree 

The Master Genealogist 

Tree of Ancestors

Tree Draw

Win Family Tree 2009 

So, that's that in a nutshell...and still, with all these genealogy programs, I still cannot access the data externally...that's ok...that will change....and soon....I am sure....

~ Vince ~ 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guide: Batch watermarking photos in IrfanView 4.20 « Victim of a Cereal Killer

I just read through this article and have to say that this is one of those articles that I will be referencing quite frequently in the near future, at least until I remember how to do this on my

~ Vince ~ 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Working on the Blog, Working on the Site

I have been working on the blog tonight and also working on the Zangari Genealogy site as well. I have to say that both are coming a long nicely, but I would like to see a few changes on the blog (transparent stationary background, text would appear to roll over the back ground image, etc.), but I am satisfied with the progress I have made for now.

For research, I seem to have hit the jackpot the other night when researching my mother's family: one of her sets of ancestors had somewhere around 20 or 25 children in just about the same amount of years -- sometimes giving birth to two children in the same year (i.e., January - March, then again in October - December)!

It was quite the interesting find!

I have been working at trying to find out what happened to all of them, but as time goes so too do records (unfortunately), and sometimes those children move away, get imprisoned, or worse...

I have not found any prisoners in my distant past (thankfully), but I have found many farmers, tailors, sailors, musicians, cobblers, aristocrats, noblemen and more...all within generations of each other, all from different countries, all who have come to America.

It's quite the story...I cannot wait to record it all in my journals and herein, as well as within the family tree!


I had been looking for my Homedics Massage pad, and while pulling it off the shelf, I had a pretty thick envelope fall and hit me in the head! Thankfully it was only 18 pages in there, but still -- OUCH! -- it caught me off guard.

So I look at the envelope (which is not sealed) and I turn it over and I find that I had dated the envelope, back in 2008 -- not long before the computer crash that took out my family tree file for just over 4 years.

I was ecstatic!

Looking inside, I see that I had drawn (by hand) a pedigree chart for my father, going back 6 generations and showing all the living descendants of his (at the time) oldest ancestor. I also had found something which I totally forgot that I had: Information about burial plots, lots and sections. I now have the information which I needed to locate a number of family members, just because of a simple burial plot.

I love genealogy and being a genealogist and being a techno-geek, but sometimes I really feel bad that others do not know how cool all this is! I just want to go up to some random stranger and just say something like "Do you know how absolutely awesome it is to be a genealogist and a techno-geek?! I'm so awesome, I love being me!"


Seriously, that is how passionate about this I am! I wish that others could see the wonders that I do, experience the elation at finding more clues, more people, more facts to flesh out your ancestors more!

Oh, I know other genealogists feel the same way, but I am talking kid in a candy store with a charge card kinda happy here that I don't believe "normal" people feel. They may get excited about sports and cars and maybe are even passionate about politics, but being a genealogist and a geek really has it's perks. I love being both, because technology is the fastest means of communication, of sharing information, of observing family locations from a far and yet seemingly being right there in front of a long lost uncle's residence, staring the house in the face...what an amazing feeling...

I have also been brushing up on my #twitter skills and contacts in the last few days; I think I have followed over 200 people just in the last 48 hours, to be quite frank -- mostly genealogists and genealogy blogs, but a few tech related ones as well.

I have also worked on the twitter page, redesigning that and hoping that coincide that with  a news feed on my website when I am done, so that there will be a #twidget (twitter widget) on there to interact directly with me and the site.

I am also working on designing the forums, but think perhaps I am going to redirect the forums to a place where everyone should be working together at instead -- the Italian Genealogy website.

I will, however, have a members only area, which will allow only registered Zangari families to post their gedcom files and to compare them with only other Zangari families. I am working on this via Open Source software right now, so that is taking some time, but the output file, and the ultimate goal, will be to be able to download them all individually or as one giant tree, for the families that do match. For the families who do not match, their tree will be the start of a new line and a new combined tree, which will then in turn (at least theoretically) go back far enough that it will eventually intersect with another Zangari family tree, and then the process begins once more.

These are the random thoughts and scribbles that I normally have in my genealogy notebooks, but since I have begun to worry more about preservation than I had previously (the above referenced computer crash from 2008) has made me want to keep my backed up files and information in multiple locations, some of which residing in the cloud now.

Sorry, Richard Stallman, but while I agree 100% with you that "Cloud computing is Stupid computing", I cannot deny this is the direction in which we have taken the internet and even computers (take Chrome-books for example!) and music players (remember the first generation 60  gigabyte and 80 gigabyte iPods and how bulky they were?! Compare that to an iPod Nano now! Talk about size and weight difference, not to mention the new innate ability to go online, surf the net, stream media, etc!)

We have come so far that the technological breakthroughs are bound to be happening any time, it's just a matter of waiting for it now. I honestly do believe the words of Shakespeare when his Hamlet said "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy!" I totally believe that with all my heart -- science and technology don't fit into those philosophies at this time...maybe some day...

But, enough ranting, I must bid you all a good evening as I close shop for the night on my research.

~ Vince ~